
Balancing Your Budget During the Summer Months

At JMH, we understand that summer can be a season of increased spending due to vacations, outdoor activities, and higher utility bills. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll share some specific actions you can take to maintain a balanced budget during the summer months. From cash flow to leveraging tax credits and planning for irregular expenses, we’ll guide you on how to stay financially savvy this summer. Let’s dive in!”

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Smart Budgeting Strategies for the Year Ahead

As we embark on a new fiscal year, strategic budgeting takes center stage in securing financial success. In this blog, we offer concise, actionable strategies tailored for both individuals and businesses. Join us on this journey towards lasting financial empowerment, where smart decisions pave the way for a prosperous year ahead. Let's navigate the path to financial success together!

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"JMH has handled all of our accounting needs for the past 30 years and I have always found them to be thorough and accurate."

"The service at JMH is outstanding. Above and beyond any other firm."

"The team at JMH & Co. have looked after our accounting needs (both personally and for our businesses) for the last 15 years, and have consistently given us exceptional service. The service at JMH is outstanding. Above and beyond any other firm."

"Always so well cared for by the team at JMH and I love how much they support small business and new entrepreneurs. They are fantastic Ambassadors for business."

"JMH & Co. have been our family and company accountants for the past 25 years. I have always appreciated the professional and excellent service I’ve received from them."